Sunday, October 07, 2007

Let's see if I can do this


The Periodic Englishman said...

Just looking around, seeing what you're up to here. (Your button still doesn't work - just saying. No pressure, obviously.)

Get busy.

Anna MR said...

I know. I have dished out pasta for the family, though, and am going to try out not one but two ideas....


The Periodic Englishman said...

Just be sure not to overload your lady-brain with complicated stuff. Maybe you should concentrate on one idea for a while, then do some girly things like sewing, say, or making yourself pretty, before moving on to the next idea. Bear it in mind (if you can, obviously).

Manly advice and love to you,


Anna MR said...

Thank you for the manly advice, dearest you. It is very, very welcome. I am going to try this thing explained above, though, come what may. There may be a lady-brain overload in it. Hold my hand, please.


The Periodic Englishman said...

Of course I'll hold your hand, you poor little girl person. It always pays to have a real person, a proper person, a strong person - a man person - close by when difficult stuff is being attempted.

Right. Get on with it. I'll go and make myself a coffee.

Firm advice, hand-holding and love to you,


Anna MR said...

Oh oh. A proper strong real man person is just what we need. Well, to be more precise - just what I, an improper weak weedy girl person need, let's face it. My first idea seems to be a stillborn one, as there isn't any way I can get it to accept posting the URL of the button in the sidebar. I would have to go and do it in HTML, and that is going to be just as difficult. I will now add a "powered by" - button, but I worry that they might not actually link anywhere at all. Oh, it is too difficult, just too, too difficult. I need your firmest advice, beloved Englishman.
